eesti teaduste
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The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society cover
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
Räpina perekonnanimed ja lisanimed; pp. 205–231

Evar Saar

Räpina family names and bynames

The article examines the creation of family names on the example of Räpina parish. Family names were derived from authentic bynames by the pastor J. F. Heller, who had previously collected vocabulary items for a dictionary and shown interest in the bynames of peasants. In his register of parishioners, begun in 1816, he collected different families’ formal and spoken bynames and nicknames.
Heller used German, South Estonian and Russian name suffixes, which he combined with German vocabulary elements. Many name suffixes were already in existence in longer local bynames. Some repeating name suffixes had not been consciously chosen, they emerged by chance and later began to be used as independent name suffixes. In this way, the new suffixes -kind ja -land developed from the ends of bynames and the -nd derivational suffix found in the local language, e.g. the byname Naruski + the suffix -nd = the family name Naruskind, by analogy to which the family name Häide + -kind = Häidkind was created. The use of the local derivational suffix -ng could have motivated the use of the suffix -ing (archaic in German), e.g. Viki + -ng = Vikking > Parma + -ing = Parming. The derivation developed beyond that as well: Härso + -ing = Härsing > suffix -sing, e.g. Jaago + -sing = Jagosing.
By combining name suffixes, Heller capably shortened many bynames. He was also clearly motivated by the desire to obtain rhythmically appropriate names, which would be similar in length and sound to the exotic-sounding bynames that he had become familiar with in Räpina. Many of the longer Räpina family names are compound names containing two bynames.
The second half of the article deals with the etymology of the bynames chosen as sources for Räpina family names. The bynames examined herein are mostly opaque and derived from personal (given) names.
Of the bynames whose etymology is discussed in the article, two (Viia and Mäleto), can be considered to be based on ancient personal names. By contrast, the bynames Häide and Rikandi are more likely based on medieval loan names (< Germanic Heidrich and Richard). However, it is not impossible that these personal names were known in Estonia even before the 13th century.
Most of the bynames discussed in the article are of Russian origin: Haavakari, Härso, Kiisla, Kontka, Krõssi, Kriguli, Parma, Rumaski and Siila. Having been in contact with the local Russian minority and with immigrants, Räpina represents a good example of a naming system that has gradually adapted personal names arriving from a neighbor language over the centuries. Peasants’ bynames in Räpina have tended to be linguistically opaque, but they have played a central role in the naming system. Thanks to the unique system of family name derivation, the old Räpina bynames live on to the present day.


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1. Rahvusarhiiv

PR = EAA.1269.1.796 – Räpina koguduse personaalraamat 1816–1831, 1851.

EAA.1865.2.71/1–7 – 1826. a hingeloenduse vaherevisjoni Kahkva, Meeksi, Palo, Räpina, Ruusa, Veriora mõisa ja Räpina kirikumõisa revisjonilehed.

EAA.1865.2.70/13–19 – 1816. a hingeloenduse samade mõisate revisjonilehed ja ümberkirjutuslehed.

EAA.1865.2.70/5, 7–12 – 1811. a hingeloenduse samade mõisate revisjonilehed.

EAA.1865.2.70/1–4 – 1795. a hingeloenduse Kahkva, Meeksi, Palo ja Räpina mõisa revisjonilehed.

EAA.1865.2.132/13 – 1816. a hingeloenduse Urvaste mõisa revisjonilehed ja ümberkirjutuslehed.

EAA.567.3.191 – Räpina mõisa (kogu kihelkond) 1738. a spetsifikatsioon ja vakuraamat.

EAA.567.3.190 – Räpina mõisa (kogu kihelkond) 1625. a maksualuste talupoegade nimekirju (säiliku alguses), 1731. a spetsifikatsioon ja vakuraamat.

2. Rootsi riigiarhiiv

SRA 1688 = SRA Östersjöprovinsernas jordrevisionshandlingar 55410/36. – Livland Revisionsjordebok 1690 (1687-1692). Dorpats krets. Sockarna: Wendau, Rappin, Pölwe, Rauge, Neuhausen. Rootsi Riigiarhiivi säiliku digikuju Rahvusarhiivi Saagas, milles sisaldub muu hulgas Räpina mõisa (kogu kihelkond) vakuraamat ja maarevisjon 1688.

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