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The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society cover
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
Presidendikõnede sarnasused ja erinevused: kriitiline tekstianalüüs; pp. 187-203
PDF | doi:10.3176/esa56.10

Maria Tuulik

Similarities and differences between presidential speeches: critical text analysis

The aim of the article is to explore the impact of the New-Year speeches by two presidents and their methods of communicating with the audience from the viewpoint of text analysis. The article analyses speeches by Lennart Meri from 1992 to 1996 and Arnold Rüütel from 2001 to 2005. The representation of actors and processes was analysed as the ideational function, and communication between the presidents and the audience was studied as the interpersonal function.

The speeches of both presidents favoured material processes; hence, both presidents represented participants mostly in situations of doing and acting or, more generally, in situations related to motion and changing. The second most frequent type of processes in Meri’s speeches was relational processes and in Rüütel’s speeches mental processes. Thus, Meri referred more to states, and Rüütel referred more to thoughts, feelings, and wishes.

Analysis of active and passivized processes showed that passive processes constitute 12% of president Rüütel’s and 6% of president Meri’s processes. As active processes enhance the dynamism of the style of the text and passive forms make it more static, one might claim that President Meri’s speeches were more dynamic and President Rüütel’s speeches more static.

Processes with an unmentioned agent constituted 7% of President Meri’s and 10% of President Rüütel’s processes. And as omission of the primary actor was more common in Rüütel’s speeches, it can be concluded, that President Meri’s speeches were somewhat more concrete and President Rüütel’s speeches somewhat more abstract. The speeches of both presidents showed that the agent was not mentioned much more often in passive processes.

The analysis of the interpersonal function showed that President Meri’s speeches revealed more I-you level of communication and President Rüütel’s speeches more impersonal addresses. Thus, one might claim that Meri’s speeches were more personal and Rüütel’s speeches more impersonal.



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