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The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society cover
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
PDF | doi:10.3176/esa61.10

Ann Siiman

How the choice between the singular long and short illative case is related to morphosyntactic and semantic variables – which material and methods are suitable for a corpus analysis

The article examines the choice between the singular long and short illative case. It attempts to find out which morphosyntactic and semantic variables are statistically significant for choosing the long or short illative case. The variables considered are part of speech, part of sentence, government, fixed word combination, proper or common noun, proper noun semantic group, common noun semantic group and meaning of the verb lemma.
The material investigated comes from the Estonian web corpus etTenTen and the Estonian Reference Corpus. In the final material, a total of 840 illative case forms were analysed. The material was balanced (420 long illative forms and 420 short illative forms) and all word forms were included only once. With the help of the computer software program R, a chi-square test and standardized Pearson residuals were performed. The results were controlled with a so-called part-whole method and using Cramér’s V effect size method.
Based on the quantitative and qualitative analyses, five variables were found to be important: government, fixed word combination, proper or common noun, proper noun semantic group and common noun semantic group. It was found that the government structures, proper nouns and the levels ‘person names’ and ‘place names’ from the variable proper noun semantic group prefer the long illative case. The short illative case is more preferred with fixed word combinations and the levels ‘place phrases’ and ‘state phrases’ from the variable common noun semantic group. In this univariable corpus-based study, the variables government, fixed word combination, proper or common noun, proper noun semantic group and common noun semantic group were statistically significant, but further studies should test if these variables remain statistically significant when applying multivariable analysis or in experiment-based studies.


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