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SINCE 1997
TRAMES cover
TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN 1736-7514 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-0922 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.2
PDF | 10.3176/tr.2021.3.02

Li Wang, Pekka Räihä

The number of Chinese students enrolling in Finnish higher education institutions has increased dramatically, but few studies have attempted to understand the academic acculturation of Chinese students in Finland, particularly at the doctoral level. Consequently, the aim of this study is to explore how Chinese doctoral students integrate into Finnish learning environment. Data in this study were collected using the case study approach. The findings revealed that although the participants encountered many challenges, they acknowledged that these challenges were temporary and natural. As a result of intercultural learning, they formed a new sense of self and acquired an intercultural learner identity. It is worth noting that although the acculturation process is a two-way change, it might take time for changes in the host university to mature and become apparent.


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