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SINCE 1997
TRAMES cover
TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN 1736-7514 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-0922 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.2
PDF | doi: 10.3176/tr.2015.2.04

M. E. Meza-de-Luna, M. L. Cantera-Espinosa, P. Westendarp-Palacios, P. Palacios-Sierra

The study examines the concealment of intimate partner violence (IPV) involv­ing men and women of different sexual orientation in Querétaro, Mexico. Grounded Theory was used to analyze both semi-structured interviews (for n = 43) and photo-interventions (for n = 18). One of the main factors associated with the concealment of IPV is gender stereotype, which in turn influences the application of justice and the beliefs grounded in idyllic love. Other factors include youth, social stigmatization of violence, fear of loss of relationships, damaging effects on children, and social isolation. The findings reveal that IPV concealment is a common practice among men and women of different sexual orientation. Hence, increased efforts in the development of an inclusive public policy to address these problems should be undertaken.


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