eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
TRAMES cover
TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN 1736-7514 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-0922 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.2
PDF | doi: 10.3176/tr.2013.2.01

Aleksandr Aidarov, Wolfgang Drechsler

Non-Russian ethnic minorities, who immigrated into Estonia between 1945 and 1990 together with Russians, have been assimilating into Russian culture in Estonia after Estonia’s independence in 1991. We illustrate this and show why one can assume that this is not in the interest of Estonia, for both ‘idealistic’ and ‘cynical’ reasons. We then analyze the implementation of the six key policy instruments the Estonian Government uses to preserve ethnic peculiarities of non-Russian ethnic groups. Our findings imply a policy failure which has not yet been recognized. Finally, we suggest possible explanations for this failure.


    All weblinks were valid as of 3 March 2013. Pure web-based information mentioned in the text is not repeated here.

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 Interviews and official information requests

 Aidarov, Aleksandr (2012a) Interview with Vira Konõk (Congress of Estonian Ukrainians), 27 February, Tallinn.

Aidarov, Aleksandr (2012b) Interview with Nina Savinova (Association of Byelorussians in Estonia), 3 February, Tallinn.

Aidarov, Aleksandr (2011a) Interview with Galina Rybalko (Tallinn Society of Chuvash Culture), 28 September, Tallinn.

Aidarov, Aleksandr (2011b) Interview with Lidia Grigorjeva (Narva Chuvash Society Narspi), 28 September, Tallinn.

Käosaar, Irene (2011a) E-mail Reply to Information Request by Aleksandr Aidarov submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research on 8 March 2011, 28 March (Tallinn).

Käosaar, Irene (2011b) E-mail Reply to Information Request by Aleksandr Aidarov submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research on 01 January, 16 February (Tallinn).

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Reimaa, Anne-Ly (2011) E-mail Reply to Information Request by Aleksandr Aidarov about Ethnic Minorities Programs in Raadio 4, 2 August (Tallinn).

Velmet, Mary (2012) E-mail Reply to Information Request by Aleksandr Aidarov about Ethnic Minorities Programs in Raadio 4, 16 January (Tallinn).

Velmet, Mary (2011) E-mail Reply to Information Request by Aleksandr Aidarov about Ethnic Minorities Programs in Raadio 4, 8 August (Tallinn).

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