Archaeological, historical and anthropological research has been quite limited in identifying external cultural influences separately and within a range of still very casuistic themes, which are specific and detailed but often disconnected from broader contexts. There is no integrated research theme on all aspects of foreign culture that influence local culture, so conclusions about the influence of Islamic, European and Chinese culture are still incomplete and limited. An analytical study of old Islamic-European-Chinese tombs in the development of multiculturalism in Maluku is a new study which aims to see how the Maluku people lived with immigrant communities regarding the shape, decoration and distribution of the tombs. This study employed a combination of archaeological research methods, including site excavations and artefact analysis, historical research methods such as document review and analysis of historical records, and anthropological research methods such as ethnographic interviews and observation of cultural practices. Even though it is still a new study, preliminary findings show that the migrant community in Maluku is well received and various cultures can coexist peacefully. The discovery of old Islamic, European and Chinese tombs, schools and settlements marks this.
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