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The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society cover
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
Verbide transitiivsuse kontiinumist eesti keeles; pp. 344–386
PDF | 10.3176/esa66.15

Natalia Vaiss

The verbal transitivity continuum in Estonian

The article summarizes the previous findings of research on transitivity in Estonian verbs and offers analysis based on the 2019 Estonian National Corpus to prove a six-stage transitivity continuum in Estonian. The following verb groups are distinguished: 1) strictly intransitive verbs, 2) generally intransitive verbs, 3) prototypical labile (ambitransitive) and polysemic labile verbs, 4) transitive verbs used as intransitives with the focus on activity, 5) generally transitive verbs, and 6) strictly transitive verbs. For the aforementioned groups, five representative verbs have been selected, whose syntactic-semantic features have been controlled through the corpus materials by using Sketch Engine software functions Word Sketch, Concordance, and Shuffle. For each verb, the first 500 results have been analysed. The further research needs are also discussed.


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