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The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society cover
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
Põhikooli I astme õpilaste valmisolek ja suutlikkus teha emakeele e-tasemetööd; pp. 192–205
PDF | 10.3176/esa65.08

Helin Puksand, Anne Uusen

Inclination and capacity of primary school students to take an e-assessment of native language skills

This article gives an overview of a low-stake standardised test pilot study completed at primary school level (N = 249) in October 2019. The pilot study was undertaken as part of the Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020 (HTM 2014), which prescribes transitioning all general assessments on each education level in Estonia to a digital format. The article presents suggestions for the transition based on the preliminary analysis of the pilot study as well as an overview of the types of assignments that proved to be efficient considering the students’ digital capabilities among other things.
The results show that the first stage students of basic school did a good job of taking the e-test. Somewhat surprisingly, the results of the 3rd and 4th grade students were quite similar. The easiest task was spelling with multiple-choice answers and listening to fiction, the most difficult task was to fill the gap with the correct word form.
The average score (60.4%) indicates that the transition to e-assessment at the elementary level of primary school is feasible under certain conditions, especially when the results of the pilot study and the students’ digital literacy levels are taken into account.


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