How the choice between the singular long and short illative case depends on the type of morphophonological variables – a corpus analysis
This study examines the choice between the singular long and short illative case. The research question examined is which morphophonological variables are statistically significant for choosing the long or short illative case. The variables considered were gradation, the type and direction of gradation, the quantity degree of the base form, stem-final alternation and the stem-final alternation pattern, the final sound of the base form and the number of syllables in the genitive stem.The data for the study came from the Morphologically Disambiguated Corpus of the University of Tartu. A total of 1710 illative case forms were analysed. With the help of the computer software program R, a chi-square test and standardized Pearson residuals were performed.
Based on the standardized Pearson residuals, the short illative is more likely when the word has gradation or quality alternation, the word has stem-end alternation, the final sound of the word’s base form is a consonant or there are more than three syllables in the genitive stem. Likewise, the short illative is more likely when the stem-final alternation pattern has words belonging to the seminar, redel, kringel, siil, sai, lagi, nali, sõber and õnnelik types. The long illative is more likely if the word has no gradation (or has quantity alternation), the word has no stem-final alternation (or the stem-final alternation pattern has the ending -(V)s, if the word has the ending -(V)ne or -ke, if the word belongs to the suur, küünal, soolane, uus–küüs, or käsi type, the final sound of the word’s base form is a vowel or there are three syllables in the genitive stem. The direction of gradation and the quantity degree of the base form are not statistically significant factors in the choice between the short and the long illative. However, the short illative form was preferred by all morphophonological variables in the analysed data.
Future studies could perform a multivariate analysis with morphosyntactic and semantic variables.
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