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The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society cover
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
Research article
Esimese klassi lugemistekstide keerukus ja kohandamine; pp. 204–228

Helin Puksand, Janne Aas, Veronika Kalle

The reading abilities of 1st grade students are at different levels – some students read fluently, while others are still spelling words. The teacher’s responsibility is to ensure that everyone receives guidance according to their abilities and needs. Several previous studies have shown that educational texts are difficult for students who need support. The teacher has to adapt the texts for students to suit their ability. The objective of this thesis is to analyse the complexity of texts used in the 1st grade for Estonian language teaching published by one particular publisher, and to adapt these texts to be more suitable to students who need support. To complete this objective, the design-research method was used. First, the reading texts were analysed in terms of language, content and form, and their complexity was assessed with the readability index Lix. The results showed that the 1stgrade reading texts are too complex. The texts were then adapted, and educational material of practical value was prepared. According to experts, adapted reading texts are suitable for differentiating learning. Level-adapted texts support the development of the child’s reading skills and learning motivation.


Kooliminevate laste lugemisoskus on väga erineval tasemel: ühed loevad soravalt, teised alles veerivad tähti kokku. Õpetaja peab lähtuma kõigi õpilaste tasemest ja tagama võimetekohase õppe. Mitmed varasemad uuringud on näidanud, et õpitekstid on õppijate jaoks keerulised, mistõttu õpetaja peab neid kohandama, et ka tuge vajavad õpilased saaksid kasutada jõukohast materjali. Eeltoodust lähtudes on siinse uurimuse eesmärk teada saada, kui keerulised on ühe kirjastuse 1. klassi eesti keele lugemistekstid tuge vajavatele õpilastele, ning kohandada tekstid neile sobivamaks. Eesmärgi täitmiseks tegime arendusuuringu. Esmalt analüüsisime lugemistekste keeleliselt, sisuliselt ja vormiliselt ning hindasime nende keerukust jälgitavusindeksiga Lix. Tulemused näitasid, et 1. klassi lugemistekstid on tuge vajavatele õpilastele keerulised. seejärel kohandasime tekstid ja koostasime praktilise väärtusega õppematerjali.


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