eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society cover
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
PDF | doi:10.3176/esa57.03

Annika Hussar

Changes in the use of first names in the 19th century with a focus on Martna and Palamuse
The article provides an overview of changes in the use of first names in 19th-century Estonia.
Similarly to other countries, in the second half of the 19th century Estonia witnessed major changes in the use of first names: new and previously unknown names were adopted, the name stock started to increase, especially the range of female names increased, double names were introduced, and godparents’ names were dropped from children’s names.
The replacement of first names took place by stages: 1) traditional loan names (e.g. Mari, Jaan), 2) international variants of the same names (e.g. Marie, Johannes), 3) new international names (e.g. Alma, Rudolf), 4) Estonian names (e.g. Salme, Ülo).
Different regions revealed considerable differences; both the used first names and the rate of adopted innovations were different.
The article compares the adoption of new names at Martna, a conservative congregation in western Estonia, and Palamuse, a congregation more open to innovations in northern Tartumaa, in 1834–1900.
At Martna new names were widespread as late as at the end of the century; at Palamuse they were common already in the 1870s. In the 1890s some Palamuse girls were already given modern Estonian names (e.g. Linda, Salme among the most popular names). The fashion of male names was slower to change, and Estonian-style names became fashionable as late as in the 20th century. At Palamuse double first names were adopted more quickly and more extensively (at the end of the century about 40 per cent of girls and almost 24 per cent of boys received two names); at Martna the use of double first names remained modest.
Apart from more general attitudes, such as readiness for innovations – ­activeness of the national movement in the region, spread of education, and links with major centres – changes in the use of first names reflect the role of specific examples in the spread of new names.


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Kuusalu kirikuraamatud

EAA.1216.1.22; 1834–1843

EAA.1216.1.23; 1844–1853

Martna kirikuraamatud

EAA.1246.1.21; 1834–1843

EAA.1246.1.22; 1844–1853

EAA.1246.1.23; 1854–1863

EAA.1246.1.24; 1864–1873

EAA.1246.1.211; 1874–1883

EAA.1246.1.231; 1892–1919

EAA.1864.2.IV-9; 1782 (1782. a, 4. hingerevisjon)

Palamuse kirikuraamatud

EAA.1261.1.59; 1834

EAA.1261.1.60; 1835

EAA.1261.1.61; 1836

EAA.1261.1.62; 1837

EAA.1261.1.63; 1838

EAA.1261.1.64; 1839

EAA.1261.1.65; 1840

EAA.1261.1.66; 1841

EAA.1261.1.67; 1842

EAA.1261.1.68; 1843

EAA.1261.1.69; 1844

EAA.1261.1.70; 1845

EAA.1261.1.71; 1846

EAA.1261.1.72; 1847

EAA.1261.1.73; 1848

EAA.1261.1.74; 1849

EAA.1261.1.75; 1850

EAA.1261.1.76; 1851

EAA.1261.1.77; 1852

EAA.1261.1.79; 1854

EAA.1261.1.80; 1855

EAA.1261.1.81; 1856

EAA.1261.1.82; 1857

EAA.1261.1.83; 1858

EAA.1261.1.84; 1859

EAA.1261.1.644; 1860–1873

EAA.1261.1.650; 1874–1903

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