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The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
PDF | doi:10.3176/esa57.06

Helmi Neetar

Names of body parts in the Atlas of Finnic Languages
The three parts of the Atlas Linguarum Fennicarum (ALFE) were published in the years 2004–2010. Part 2 addresses, among other things, a group of concepts associated with human anatomy (gums, nostril, calf, temple, crown, eyelid, spine). Their Finnic references can be analysed from different aspects.
Some of the names display considerable phonetic and derivational variation, e.g. Fin. ikenet etc., North-Est. igemed, idemed, South-Est. igimäˀ, igima ’gums’; Fin. ohimo etc., ’temple’. There are numerous compounds, most of which have an obligatory attributive component: Fin. silmä(n) ’eye’ + kansi ’eyelid’.
Some names are rather widespread, such as the following two word families for nostril: *seerV- (Fin. sierain, Est. sõõre; also Veps., Vot., Liv.) and East-Fin. huokoin < huoata ’breathe (deeply); rest’ (also Kar. Ingr., Vot.). Some others are used in a very small area.
There are names that are strictly limited to certain body parts, e.g. Fin. ikenet, North-Est. igemed ’gums’. Some names derive from native linguistic material. For example, the Finnish word family ohimo etc. has been associated with the adjective oha/ohut etc. ’thin’, as the human skull is thin at temples. At the same time there are several loanwords, which can be very old or rather recent (Russian, Latvian) borrowings.
The naming motives are more associated with visual aspects: (a) external form – the hollowness of the temples has probably motivated the North-Est. tühi ’hollow / empty’ + kõht (o > õ) ’place’, Fin. onnen (onsi : onnen) ’hollow’ + kohta ’place’. A round-shaped muscular calf may be associated either with the roundness of the belly (Fin. sääri ’leg’ + vatsa ’belly’, Est. jala (Gen.) ’leg’ + kõht ’belly’), berry, or roe (North-Est. sääre / South-Est. seere (Gen.) ’leg’ + mari ’berry; roe’; also Vot., Ingr.); (b) location – here belong such designations of the temples as the Fin., Kar. kulma (’corner’) and Fin. otsa / otsi ’forehead’ + kulma. The high position of the crown could have yielded the Fin. pää ’head’ + kukkula ’hill, top’. The function is very imporant. Several terms for the spine combine references to the erect position and the support function. The most important function of the eyelid is that of protecting the eye, as proved by the Fin. silmä(n) ’eye’ + kansi ’lid’, Vot. silmä + katto ’roof; lid’. Estonian terms reveal the belief that temples have to do with reason and thinking: meele (Gen.) ’mind; perception; reason’ + koht (South-Est. kotuss) ’place’.


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