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The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society cover
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
PDF | doi:10.3176/esa57.12

Enn Ernits

Finno-Ugric exchange students and professors in the 1930s
The paper deals with Estonian exchange students and professors who studied or taught in Hungary and Hungarian exchange students who continued their studies in Estonia in the 1930s. This introductory study focuses on the history of the Estonian Committee of Finno-Ugric Studies, founded at the University of Tartu. This committee was mainly responsible for the organization of the exchange of students and professors of Estonia and Hungary. In this way the committee contributed to the development of national sciences, particularly Finno-Ugric linguistics, promoted closer ties between Finno-Ugric peoples, and established close cultural contacts. Nine Estonian exchange students visited Hungary and vice versa. Some of them became later well-known scholars. The article discusses their activities abroad and their later achievements, first of all in the sphere of Hungarian-Estonian cultural relations.
Before the Second World War Felix Oinas (1911–2004), later a famous folklorist, translated several novels by Hungarian authors. He was also a lecturer of the Hungarian language. Paula Palmeos (1911–1990) became an important scholar; she taught the Hungarian language at the University of Tartu for 45 years, and she also translated Hungarian fiction. Some of her students became translators and teachers of the Hungarian language. Alo Raun (1905–2004) taught the Hungarian language and literature and studied several Hungarological problems.
Béla Kálmán (1913–1997) and Ödön Lavotha (1914–1972) translation works of Estonian fiction into Hungarian. The latter taught also the Estonian language in Hungary. Jószef Györke (1931–1936) and Jenő Fazekas (1906–1979) worked as lecturers of the Hungarian language at the University of Tartu. Andrus Saareste (1892–1964) and Julius Mägiste (1900–1978), professors of the University of Tartu, visited Hungary as exchange professors.


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Eesti Ajaloo Arhiiv, f 3699, n 1, s 1–3. Soome-Ugri Uurimiste Eesti Komitee.

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