Oil Shale
A Scientific-Technical Journal

First_Page - Editorial_Board - Editorial_Policy - Notice_to_Authors - Subscription_Information - Mailing_Address - Contents_and_Abstracts - Extra


Published by the Estonian Academy Publishers

Oil Shale is published four times a year in March, June, September and December.

The subscription price of Volume 21, 2004, is US$ 108 per volume.
Back volumes and single issues are available too. For detail information e-mail to: asta@kirj.ee

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Subscription Information (in English)

Orders accompanied by payment, may be sent directly to the publisher by mail (print and fill in the Subscription Order Form in English or Tellimiskvitung eesti keeles) or by e-mail (free form).


First_Page - Editorial_Board - Editorial_Policy - Notice_to_Authors - Subscription_Information - Mailing_Address - Contents_and_Abstracts - Extra