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Oil Shale is concerned with geology, mining, genesis, composition, methods of processing and combustion, economics, and utilization of oil shale and bituminous sands, as well as problems of environment protection and history of oil shale industry. See also the Editorial Policy of Oil Shale.
Oil Shale publishes papers in English, German, and Russian. Papers in German and Russian should be supplied with English summary (2-3 pages), captions for tables and figures.
The title should be concise but informative.
The arrangement of words is important for indexing purposes.
The name(s), including one forename in full, affiliation(s), full address(es),
and e-mail address(es) of the author(s) should follow the title of the
In the covering letter the corresponding author and his/her telephone and fax
numbers should be indicated.
The abstract should be a self-contained summary of the paper, presenting
concisely the objectives of the work reported, methodology, results, and conclusions
(with no mathematical expressions or reference quotations), not exceeding approximately
100 words in length.
Oil Shale publishes in general four types of papers: Letters
and Short communications (4 pp., 2 figs.), Articles (25 pp., 6 figs.),
Feature Articles (25 pp.) and Reviews. All manuscripts are subject to international
critical review. The reviewers act only as advisors, and the final decision
concerning on manuscript is the responsibility of the editors. Authors are solely
responsible for the factual accuracy of their papers.
The introduction should be a review of pertinent work, should cite appropriate
references, and should also include a clear statement of the object of investigation.
The manuscript volume (incl. references, summaries, illustrations, and
tables) is preferably maximum 25 double-spaced pages (A4 or Letter).
It is essential that the paper be written in clear, proper English. Manuscripts
requiring substantial improvement of English usage may be returned to the author(s)
for revision before the review process. If English is not your native language,
we recommend that you ask a native English speaker to read over your manuscript
before submitting.
Whenever possible, authors should consult a recent issue of the Oil Shale
for style and layout. The editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain
standards of uniformity.
All correspondence concerning editorial matters (manuscript submission, reviews, etc.) should be sent to the Editorial Address.
Both electronic and hard copy submissions are required. A diskette
and two hard copies should be submitted (or files can be e-mailed). The
files and the printout must correspond exactly to one another. The format of
the files should be exactly indicated.
Manuscripts should be prepared in one of the major word processing formats as
Word for Windows (other versions of Word are accepted), or Rich Text Format
(RTF). For complicated formulas Equation Editor should be used. The authors
are asked not to use specially defined macros. If it has been necessary to define
the commands, they should be added to the text file.
Electronic submission of figures: preferred file formats are TIFF, BMP, XCL,
and CDR (resolution at least 600 dpi).
The text should be printed on one side of the paper, double-spaced on sheets
of uniform size, with a 3-cm margin at the left. It is not necessary to incorporate
any special page layout in the manuscript, only insert hard returns at the ends
of paragraphs and headings, subheadings, lists etc. Do not use the space-bar
to make indents (e.g. to indicate paragraphs or in lists). A tabulator or an
indent command should be used for this purpose.
Notation must be legible, clear, compact, and consistent with
standard usage. All notations should be clearly defined in the text.
Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. Use standard abbreviations. The
full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the
text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.
Equations should be numbered consecutively with equation numbers enclosed in
parentheses at the right margin of the page. In the text, reference to an equation
should be in the form of an equation number enclosed in parentheses.
Provide an original and two copies of each illustration. Handwritten
lettering and low-quality computer graphics are not acceptable. Line drawings
for the figures should be of high contrast, suitable for direct reproduction.
Avoid using dense shading for background. The lettering (upper- and lowercase
letters, italic, bold) should follow the usage in the text. Use commas to separate
units of measurement from the text. Different parts of a figure should be marked
by lowercase letters. The size of symbols and lettering after reduction should
not be smaller than 1.5 mm.
Plan figures to fit the proportion of the printed page (the type area of the
journal is 120-200 mm).
Figures should be provided in the original application in which they were created.
Computer-generated figures should be saved as follows:
· for Excel, save as an Excel 97 or a later version worksheet (should
contain spreadsheet and embedded chart);
· for CorelDraw, save as version 6 or a later one;
· for Adobe Illustrator, save as TIFF or BMP files;
· for PowerPoint, save as PowerPoint files;
· for Sigmaplot, files should be pasted into a Word document and
saved as Word 97 or a later version.
Do not submit artwork in colour if it is to be published in black and white.
Photographs should be submitted as clear black and white prints on glossy paper.
Scanned photographs should be saved as TIFF files with a resolution of at least
300 dpi.
Each illustration must be clearly numbered and the title and the author of the
paper written in pencil on the reverse side. The appropriate place for each
illustration in the text should be indicated in the margin. If necessary, indicate
the top of the figure.
All illustrations must have self-explanatory legends. Print legends to illustrations
on a separate sheet with double spacing and place it at the end of the paper.
The text, tables, and illustrations should not repeat one another.
Colour illustrations are accepted if they are essential to the presentation.
Authors will be asked to cover the full cost incurred in colour printing. Further
information concerning colour illustrations and the costs to the author can
be obtained from the publisher.
References should be as complete and informative as possible.
Number references to published works consecutively and insert a numeral in the appropriate place in the text on brackets (e.g. [1]). A list of references in numerical order should appear at the end of the paper, and all references in this list should appear in the text and vice versa.
References should be presented as follows:
(a) F o r a b o o k :
1. Bell, H. S. Oil Shales and Shale Oils. - Toronto etc., 1948.
(b) F o r a r t i c l e s i n c o l l e
c t i o n s :
2. Heinsalu, H., Viira, V. Pakerort stage // Geology and Mineral Resources
of Estonia / A. Raukas, A. Teedumae (eds.). Tallinn : Estonian Academy Publishers,
1997. P. 52-58.
(c) F o r a r t i c l e s i n j o u r n
a l s (abbreviate journal titles):
3. Avid, B., Purevsuren, B., Dugarjav, J. Investigation of pyrolysis
and thermogravimetric analysis of Mongolian Khoot oil shale // Oil Shale. 2000.
Vol. 17, No. 3. P. 241-251.
Proofs of papers will be sent to the authors before publication (by e-mail or air mail). They should be corrected and returned immediately. Alterations and additions can normally be considered at this stage.
Ten reprints per paper are supplied free. Additional reprints can be ordered at USc50 an issue. An additional order should be placed together with paper.
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