The increasing prevalence of cancer and the decreasing number of oncology specialists in Europe’s workforce have led patients having to self-manage their conditions with the help of a health care professional. Ensuring cancer patients’ good understanding of molecular profiling data is crucial for their active participation in illness-related decisions. Although shared decision making improves patients’ knowledge and consideration of their needs, several difficulties remain in implementing shared decision making in cancer care. The objective of the research is to examine the relationship between sociodemographic aspects and knowledge of cancer-related topics and willingness to participate in cancer care. A cross-sectional study using a web-based questionnaire was conducted, including 1066 respondents among the population of Estonia. Logistic regression was used to answer research questions. There is a lack of knowledge and willingness of patients and their relatives to participate in shared decision making. Unlike in previous studies, higher readiness was observed among the ethnic minority and rural citizens. In addition to the factors previously identified, there is a need to consider a potential role of cultural and historical background of the health care system in determining the willingness and readiness of the general public to participate in shared decision making. These findings highlight the potential uniqueness of societies, in which paternalistic and autonomous approaches to patient care clash, and similar results may be found in other countries with a Soviet legacy. If there is a lack of readiness or willingness of a patient to participate, a physician should provide alternative means of support.
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