eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry
Monitoring of oil products and hazardous substances in Estonian surface water bodies; pp. 75–86

Ott Roots, Robert Aps, Kai Kuningas, Anne Talvari

Compared to the “old” member states of the European Union little attention has been paid to the monitoring of hazardous substances in Estonia, but it is still possible to draw pre­liminary conclusions about priority substances. The concentrations of oil products and hazardous substances were studied in Estonian surface waters. In Estonia oil products are not included in the lists of hazardous substances. While Estonia has long-term experience in environmental monitoring of surface water, especially for eutrophication, as well as determination of some heavy metals in Estonian rivers subject to monitoring, in the field of toxic persistent organic compounds and oil products the results are not numerous. Although a large amount of environmental monitoring information is available, a comprehensive overview of priority hazardous substances and oil products covering all major problem areas in Estonia is not available due to lack of risk assessment, risk and data management, cross-national synthesis, and integrated framework projects in this field in Estonia. The aim of this article is to give an overview of hazardous substances and oil products in Estonian surface waters at the beginning of the 21st century.


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