eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1965
Linguistica Uralica cover
Linguistica Uralica
ISSN 1736-7506 (Electronic)
ISSN 0868-4731 (Print)
O rukopisi «Kratkija pravila votskago jazyka» [On the ­Manuscript ”Kratkija pravila votskago jazyka”]; pp. 64-68
PDF | doi: 10.3176/lu.2015.1.06

L. M. Ivšin

The article gives an analysis of the manuscript Udmurt grammar called ”Kраткiя правила вотскаго языка” (Short rules of the Votic language). A cursory examination may give the impression that the manuscript is one of the variants of the book ”Сочиненiя принадлежащiя къ грамматикѣ вотскаго языка” published in 1775. Although the graphics and spelling elements of the printed and handwritten grammars coincide almost completely, there are quite a number of words differing in spelling. Varied design of same words can be explained, in some cases, by inconsistent spelling, in others — by dialectal differences in pronunciation and a different fixation of the letter. Some differences are also observed in the structure of the written monuments.


Ившин Л. М. 2010, Становление и развитие удмуртской графики и орфографии в XVIII - первой половине XIX века, Екатеринбург-Ижевск.

Каракулов Б. И. 2006, Удмурт литературной кыллэн сюресэз: XVIII-XXI дауръёс. История удмуртского литературного языка: XVIII-XXI века, Ижевск.

Лупповъ П. Н. 1911, Христианство у вотяковъ въ первой половињ– XIX въка, Вятка.

Могилинъ М. 1998, Краткой отяцкiя Грамматики опытъ. Опыт краткой удмуртской грамматики, Ижевск (Памятники культуры: Лингвистическое наследие).


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