eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1952
Earth Science cover
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
ISSN 1736-7557 (Electronic)
ISSN 1736-4728 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 1.1
Short communication
Using 3-D mapping to understand an Upper Ordovician buildup and facies complex in the upper Lexington Limestone, central Kentucky, USA; pp. 14–17

Sean Davis, Frank R. Ettensohn, William M. Andrews, Gustavo Martins

The upper parts of the Upper Ordovician Lexington Limestone in central Kentucky, USA, are interpreted to reflect a structurally controlled carbonate buildup, represented by a facies mosaic of shoal complexes and interbedded shale units. Facies intertonguing is complex and two-dimensional (2-D) mapping has been difficult. In this project, we converted 2-D maps to 3-D maps to show the extent of various facies and the complex nature of intertonguing. The resulting 3-D maps can be viewed from various vantage points and show the likely influence of basement structures as well as the results of post-depositional structural activity.


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