eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1952
Earth Science cover
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
ISSN 1736-7557 (Electronic)
ISSN 1736-4728 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 1.1
Composition and origin of the Middle Weichselian interstadial deposit in Veskoniemi, northern Finland; pp. 117–124
PDF | doi: 10.3176/earth.2010.2.02

Pertti Sarala, Jouni Pihlaja, Niko Putkinen, Andrew Murray
The stratigraphy and sedimentology of a diamicton-stratified sand deposit have been studied in the Veskoniemi area, near Lake Inarijärvi in central Finnish Lapland. Test pit excavations were used for stratigraphical investigations. Till-covered laminar and cross-bedded sands were dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Ages range between 21.0 ± 1.5 and 22.4 ± 1.6 ka for laminated sands at upper levels and 39 ± 3 and 46 ± 3 ka for sands at deeper levels. These dating results strengthen the evidence for a Middle Weichselian interstadial in northern Finland during oxygen isotope stage 3, and can be compared with other results in eastern and southern Lapland. This is the first time that sediments from the Middle and Late Weichselian contact have been identified in Finland. These new dating results indicate that an ice-free period could have lasted from halfway through the Middle Weichselian to the beginning of the Late Weichselian about 22–25 ka ago in northern Finland.

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