The purpose of the study is to develop scientifically based recommendations for implementation internationally – legal security mechanisms monitoring threats and finding ways to overcome challenges to national security. National resilience is an indicator of the reliability of the national security and defense system, mutual coherence of its components, which confirms their capabilities and resource potential to fulfill obligations and perform their main functions in conditions of instability of the internal and external environment. National resilience includes military capabilities and civil readiness, reflects society’s ability to resist and quickly recover from the specified threats and their consequences. This study proved that the foreign policy of the aggressor state should be considered one of the main factors affecting the choice of priority directions for the development of the security and defense forces of Ukraine. Legal mechanisms include further improvement and harmonization of the regulatory framework, formation of relevant legal norms, state policy in the field of national security and international cooperation. Organizational measures are directed to expansion and further development of a single network of situational centers to increase the efficiency of information and analytical support for management decision-making. The core of the integrated system of monitoring threats to national security highlighted an information and analytical system based on Big Data. The unity of the network of situational centers will contribute to increasing the reliability and effectiveness of condition monitoring of national security from more than 20 directions, in order to effectively coordinate the activities of state bodies.
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