eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
TRAMES cover
TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN 1736-7514 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-0922 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.2
PDF | DOI: 10.3176/tr.2009.4.05

Regina Paabo, Monika Födisch, Liivi Hollman
Estonian Sign Language (ESL) is the native language for approximately 1,500 Estonian dDeaf people. Like other sign languages, ESL has no written form. In the history of ESL research, different transcription systems have been used. The system introduced here is the amended version of the transcription system first presented in 2006. The structure of the transcription system follows the example of W. Stokoe’s notation system and its expansions. Phonemes of Estonian Sign Language are introduced and symbols for 36 hand forms, 27 locations, and 20 different movements are presented. All symbols are easy to use with any computer program. For the detailed transcription of the signs, symbols for the palm and finger orientation as well as the relationship between the two hands are given. The general algorithm proposed here for sign transcription follows the structure of HamNoSys, notating hand form first, followed by internal movement of the hand, palm and finger orientation, location and movement.

Brennan, Mary (1990) Word formation in BSL. Stockholm: University of Stockholm.

Kivisild, Kai and Regina Toom (1990) Eesti kristlikud viiped. [Estonian Christian signs.] Tartu and Stockholm.

Laiapea, Vahur (2007) Keel on lahti. Tähendusi viipekeelest. [Estonian Sign Language: language, deaf children and the Deaf identity]. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus.

Marinina, R.G. (2004) Kniga žestov dlja neslysaslih ljudei. [Book of signs for Deaf people]. Donetsk: Stalker.

Miljan, Merilin (2000) The noun phrase in Estonian Sign Language from the typological perspective. Manuscript. BA Thesis. Tallinn: Estonian Institute of Humanities.

Miljan, Merilin (2001) “Adjectival modification in Estonian and Estonian Sign Language”. In Estonian Typological Studies V, 169–188. (Publications of the Department of Estonian of the University of Tartu, 18.) Tartu.

Miljan, Merilin (2003) “Number in Estonian Sign Language”. Trames 7, 3, 293–223.

Paales, Liina (2002) “Isiku- ja kohanimed eesti kurtide märgipärimuses”. [Name signs for persons and places in Estonian Deaf folklore] Lemmeleht, 154–167. (Pro Folkloristika, 9.) Tartu: Eesti Kirjandusmuusum.

Püvi, Egle (2006) Eesti viipekeele keroloogiasüsteemi kirjeldus. [Description of Estonian Sign Language chereology]. Manuscript. BA Thesis. University of Tartu.

Rissanen, Terhi (1985) Viittomakielen perusrakenne. [The basic structure of sign language] (Publica­tions of University of Helsinki. Department of General Linguistics, 12.) Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto.

Stokoe, William C. (1960) Sign language structure: a outline of the visual communication systems of the American Deaf. Silver Spring, MD: Linstok Press. (Revised ed. 1978.)

Stokoe, William C., Dorothy C. Casterline, and Carl G. Croneberg (2000) “Introduction to a dictionary of American Sign Language”. In Linguistics of American Sign Language, 243–258. Clayton Valli and Ceil Lucas, eds. Washington D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.

Sutrop, Urmas (2000) Estonian Sign Language. In Ethnologue. Vol. 1. Languages of the world, 663. 14th ed. Barbara F. Grimes, ed. Dallas, Texas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.

Sutton-Spence, Rachel and Benice Woll (2003) The linguistics of British Sign Language: an introduction. Cambridge University Press.

Toom, Regina (1988) Kõnelevad käed. Eesti viipekeele sõnaraamat. [Talking hands. Estonian Sign Language dictionary.] Tartu: University of Tartu and Estonian Association of the Deaf.

Toom, Regina (1990) Abimaterjale eesti viipekeele omandamiseks. [Guidelines for learners of Estonian Sign Language.] Tartu: University of Tartu and Estonian Association of the Deaf.

Toom, Regina, Monika Trükmann, and Liivi Hollman (2006) “Eesti viipekeele transkriptsioonist”. [On the Estonian Sign Language transcription]. Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aasta­raamat (Tallinn) 2, 285–301.

Trükmann, Monika (2006) Ajasuhete väljendamine eesti viipekeeles. [Temporal Relations in Estonian Sign Language.]. Manuscript. MA Thesis. Tartu: University of Tartu.

Valli, Clayton and Lucas Ceil (2000) Linguistics of American Sign Language: an introduction. Washington D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
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