eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
TRAMES cover
TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN 1736-7514 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-0922 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.2

Swati Samantaray, Sahadeb Patro

Religion was our first attempt at literature, cosmology, ecology, making sense of where we are in the universe. All religions are inherently predisposed to mystical experience – a harmonious and balanced existence and substantiation of Nature and man – man, who is conscious of his existence both in the material and the spiritual realm, as man is the highest spirit and the lowest matter linked by mind. Ecomysticism embraces the idea that all life is sacred and hence revered. This paper discusses the ecological philosophy which enunciates God’s presence in every being that surround us and tries to evaluate the holistic spiritual ecology launched by Tagore. The unity of being in his works teaches that everything in the universe arises from the One, emanates from Him; deduces that the Supreme, humans and the environment form one ecosystem and recognizes the mutually augmenting relationships with the natural world – an understanding of the unity and interdependence of the bio-network. It elicits that the manifest is on voyage to the Unmanifest together with our pilgrim souls.


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