The Indonesian government’s decision to relocate the capital to East Kalimantan carries implications for the indigenous Paser people, raising concerns about the potential diminishment of their rich cultural heritage, including the Nondoi ritual. This qualitative research focuses on understanding the construction of the Paser community identity, explicitly emphasizing the Nondoi ritual deeply rooted in ancestral traditions. This study used an ethnographic method to unveil key characteristics within Paserese society through observations and interviews with traditional leaders, community figures, and mulung (shaman). The findings demonstrate that the Nondoi ritual, enriched with religious, spiritual, noble, social, and morally moderate values, plays a pivotal role in expressing and preserving the identity of the Paser community. As East Kalimantan becomes the new capital, the Nondoi ritual is a vital cultural force strenghtening the Paserese identity amidst evolving socio-cultural landscapes.
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