eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering
Vol 11, Issue 3, 2005
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of nanostructured copper; pp. 187–197
Lembit Kommel, Irina Hussainova, Olga Volobujeva, Rünno Lõhmus
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Simulation and analysis of thermal performance of an apartment building; pp. 198–206
Kadi Kusnetsov, Teet-Andrus Kõiv
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Investigation of the domestic hot water consumption in apartment buildings; pp. 207–214
Alvar Toode, Teet-Andrus Kõiv
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Behaviour of wind speed fronts; pp. 215–225
Teolan Tomson, Maire Hansen
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Group-mode performance of wind turbine generators; pp. 226–233
Teolan Tomson
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An algorithm of the formation of waste load in industrial effluents; pp. 234–244
Jüri Säärekõnno
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Profiles of waves from high-speed ferries in the coastal area of Tallinn Bay; pp. 245–260
Tarmo Soomere, Reio Põder, Kalev Rannat, Andres Kask
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