eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1965
Linguistica Uralica cover
Linguistica Uralica
ISSN 1736-7506 (Electronic)
ISSN 0868-4731 (Print)
И ’барин’, и ’господин’ – народные наименования нарыва, фурункула, чирья в диалектах карельского языка [Both ’master’ and ’mister’ — Folk Names for an Abscess, Boil in Dialects of the Karelian Language]; pp. 180–186

Tatjana Pashkova

The article analyzes the origins of the popular names of abscess, boil in dialects of the Karelian language, which were extracted from the dictionaries of the Karelian language, samples of the Karelian speech, as well as the author’s field materials. Among the lexicon group under consideration, deverbal names (aja­jaine, ajamin(е), ajandahine, ajos, ajotus, paize and their dialectal variants), borrowings (bajar(i), herra), as well as such nomination methods as external nomination (märkä­ajoš, märgybul'ku, märgybul'bakko, märgypahku, märkäpiä, märgärökkö, märgyčuhmakko and their dialectal variants), nomination for the method of treatment (majoapaiže, majuapaize, majaimpaize) and metaphorical transference (kaźinkarva, kažinkarvu). The research is carried out in a comparative aspect with names in other Finnic languages.


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Пашкова  Т.  В.  2016,  Персонифицированные болезни и способы их лечения в народной культуре карел. - Ученые записки Петрозаводского государственного университета, № 7-2 (160), Петрозаводск, 31-34.

Virtaranta,  P.,  Virtaranta,  H.  1986,  Kauas läksit karjalainen. Matkamuistelmia tverinkarjalaisista kylistä, Helsinki.

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