In the present article, which continues the cycle of articles dedicated to the description of variable stress in Ob-Ugric languages, we direct our attention to the variable stress in Mansi dialects. The article describes the rules of stress placement for verbs of different types in the Ob dialect of the Mansi language on the basis of the field material collected from two villages of Oktjabr'skoje district of Khanty-Mansi administrative region (village Nižnie Narynkary and village Peregrjobnoje) in 2013 by I. A. Stenin, and of Sosva dialect collected in village Khulimsunt by R. I. Idrisov in 2016. A hypothesis about the correlation between stress placement in verbs in Ob (field data) and Tavda (B. Munkácsi’s data) dialects of the Mansi language was tested. We give the verbal accent paradigms for two northern (Ob and Sosva) and one eastern (Jukonda) Mansi dialect, revealed as a result of the analysis in the phonetic program Praat ( of the field materials of the northern and eastern Mansi dialects. Then these materials will be compared with Tavda (B. Munkácsi’s data) dialect of the Mansi language. The comparison shows that in all of the Mansi dialects analysed three accentual paradigms were revealed: in the first, the stress is fixed on the first syllable, in the second it is fixed, but not on the first syllable, while in the third one in part of the forms on the first syllable, and in the others on the second syllable. Summing up the analysis, we can say that the material of the Ob dialect and of the Sosva dialect spoken in the village of Khulimsunt confirms the hypothesis of the previous articles (Норманская 2015a; 2015b) about the reconstruction of four accent paradigms for verbs in the Proto-Mansi language.
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