eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1965
Linguistica Uralica cover
Linguistica Uralica
ISSN 1736-7506 (Electronic)
ISSN 0868-4731 (Print)
Tопонимия Ивангородского лена 1580-х годов. Mатериал для историко-топонимического словаря Ингерманландии; pp. 247-265
PDF | doi: 10.3176/lu.2016.4.02

A. V. Dmitrijev

The article focuses on the place-names used in Ingria in the 1580s as recorded in ”Baltiska fogderäkenskaper”. These are the place-names of 62 villages, which are partly extant (20 villages), yet mostly extinct (since the 18th—19th centuries). The villages are considered to have originally made up the so-called Ivangorods län of 1582—1589, whose geographical status is first described in this article. Each place-name is given with its historic variants, enabling the reader to trace the alternations in a place-name’s form. Some of the linguistic data revealed (17 villages) are mapped. 25 place-names remained unidentified. Based on the place-names found in the collection the area of Ivangorods län is approximately specified and bordered.


Дмитриев А. В. 2015, Административно-территориальное деление Ингерманландиии i смежных с нею территорий в 1583-1590 годы в контексте новых данных топонимики. - Scando-Slavica 61 (2), 180-206.

Неволин К. А. 1853, Карта пятин Новгородских в XVI веке с ­показанием в них городов и погостов, С. Петербург.

Almquist, J. A. 1917—1923, Den civila lokalförvaltningen i Sverige 1523-1630 med särskild hänsyn till den kamerala indelningen 1-4, Stockholm (Meddelanden från Svenska riksarkivet. Ny följd II, 6).

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