eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1965
Linguistica Uralica cover
Linguistica Uralica
ISSN 1736-7506 (Electronic)
ISSN 0868-4731 (Print)
Research article
Обозначения охотничьей экипировки и снаряжения в коми языке [Designations of Hunting Equipment in the Komi Language]; pp. 30–38

Anatolij Rakin

The paper deals with the vocabulary of hunting in the Komi language. The subject of the study are designations related to the equipment of the hunter, which form a separate microsystem and differ from other components of the hunting vocabulary by their structural organization, their own composition of the nomination objects and a set of lexical units intended for their designation, as well as by origin. Designations of both native and foreign-language origin are analyzed. The formation and development of this microsystem has been taking place for many millennia both at the expense of internal resources and as a result of the use of borrowings.


Конаков  Н.  Д.  1983,  Коми охотники и рыболовы во второй половине XIX — начале XX в. Культура промыслового населения таежной зоны Европейского Севера-Востока, Москва.

Лыткин  В.  И.  1957,  Историческая грамматика коми языка. Ч. I. Введение. Фонетика, Сыктывкар.

Хайду  Петер  1985,  Уральские языки и народы, Москва. 

Kalima,  Jalo  1910,  Die russischen Lehnwörter im Syrjänischen, Helsingfors (MSFOu XXIX).

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