The article is concerned with the description of Renarrative phenomenon that has morphological expression in the Nganasan language. The desckription touches upon the formal aspects of the mood. In the course of analysis of language material it was found out that a Renarrative paradigmatic meaning is a secondary affirmation of an action complicated by the meaning of Indirect evidence. Indirect evidence presupposes some indirect source of information, as a rule, testimony from other people who have witnessed the event. As for the transmitted fact, the speaker may express either his/her neutral or subjective-emotional (negative) attitude. There were made some attempts to reveal the interlacement of different types of modality and the interaction of person and tense categories in the Renarrative forms. The article dwells not only on paradigmatic but also syntagmatic possibilities of the Renarrative, i.e. its transposition into the spheres of Imperative and Interrogative functioning, as well as its substitution by the Indicative in the contexts of neutral renarrating.
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