eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
Estonian Journal of Engineering
Wind speed and velocity at three Estonian coastal stations 1969–1992; pp. 209–219
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eng.2008.3.02

Sirje Keevallik
Wind climate, based on monthly average values of wind parameters during a 24-year period, is analysed for three data sets – two from surface recordings at meteorological stations and one from aerological measurements at 850 hPa level. Several statistically significant trends in wind properties have been detected in January, March, May and November. It is shown that the average air flow has turned clockwise and intensified in winter and spring. In autumn, the flow weakened and no changes in its direction were detected. Cold and warm air masses have shifted clockwise in January and May. These changes cannot be attributed to long-term climate change and should be regarded as interesting examples of decadal variability.

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