eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
Estonian Journal of Ecology
Eutrophication level of Phragmites australis habitats at a shallow coastal lake, Paljassaare Peninsula, Tallinn, Estonia; pp. 83–98
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2010.2.01

Tiina Elvisto
The eutrophication level of a lake situated in the centre of the Paljassaare Peninsula, Estonia, was estimated using chemical characteristics of common reed (Phragmites australis). Comparison with other Estonian waterbodies revealed considerable differences. The N and P concentrations in the leaves and the N concentration in the stems of P. australis during the phenophase of early flowering were in Paljassaare (data from 11 sampling sites) 1.5–2-fold higher than in the eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv, in the high-productivity delta of the Kasari River, and in the Väike Väin Strait. For P in stems the differences were even greater. The N/P ratio in P. australis shoots indicated N limitation in the lake and seashore on the Paljassaare Peninsula (N/P ratio 6–11), the Kasari River delta (ratio 8), and the Väike Väin Strait (ratio 12), but P limitation in the oligotrophic Lake Tänavjärv (ratio 21). In the eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv the accessibility of N and P is probably balanced (N/P ratio 15). As large amounts of nutrients have accumulated in the lake on Paljassaare, the process of its growing over has accelerated during the last decade.

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