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Estonian Journal of Ecology
Fine root biomass and production in a Salix viminalis and Salix dasyclados plantation; pp. 27–37
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2009.1.03

Katrin Heinsoo, Ebe Merilo, Margit Petrovits, Andres Koppel

The biomass, production, and spatial distribution of fine roots were studied in an Estonian short rotation willow (Salix viminalis and S. dasyclados) plantation by ingrowth cores and soil coring during the first rotation. Fine root biomass was vertically concentrated (39–54%) in the uppermost 10 cm soil layer. This pattern was not principally affected by fertilization or species. Fertilization significantly reduced the biomass and annual production of fine roots. Large differences in the ratio of fine root to aboveground production were detected between fertilized and control plots. High production of harvestable biomass in the fertilized Salix plots was thus associated with a fertilization-related large positive effect on wood production and a negative effect on belowground allocation.


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