eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
Estonian Journal of Ecology
Spatial distribution of macrofossil assemblages in surface sediments of two small lakes in Estonia; pp. 5–20
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2008.1.01

Tiiu Koff, Egert Vandel
Surveys and mapping of macrophyte vegetation and its remains in the surface sediments
of two Estonian lakes demonstrate that about 50% of the submerged and floating-leaved plants growing in the lake are represented as macrofossils in the sediment. Only one third of the helophyte taxa were found in the sediment, and they had a very limited distribution close to their growing place. Part of the macrofossils, such as fragments of Nymphaea alba seeds, were distributed over the entire lake bed and were not connected with the actual growing place. The bottom topography of the lake affects the distribution of macrofossils.

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