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akadeemia kirjastus
Estonian Journal of Ecology
Mineral nutrition of natural regeneration of Scots pine on coastal dunes in South-West Estonia; pp. 70–80
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2008.1.05

Malle Mandre, Kadri Kõresaar, Priit Kõresaar
The content of nutrients in soil and needles of second-growth pines was studied on  dunes of different relative height (23 m, 10 m, 5 m) in the coastal area of the Baltic Sea in South-West Estonia. Results give an insight into the nutrition status of pines on the plain and on the slopes and tops of dunes. The data obtained indicate that the logarithmic relationship is statistically significant between N, K, and Mg contents in the needles and soil and the height of the sample point on the dune. Deficiency of nutrients for the growth of pines, especially that of N and K, had developed on dunes. The study showed that on dunes the nutrition conditions and concentration of nutrients in needles depend significantly on the relative height of the growth site on the dune.

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