This research focuses on the geochemical analysis of Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic units in the Alutaguse region of northern Estonia, shedding light on the geodynamic evolution during the Svecofennian orogeny in eastern Fennoscandia. The metasedimentary units consist of micaceous gneisses (± Grt ± Crd ± Sil), and the metavolcanic units include amphibolites and pyroxenic gneisses. Geochemical analyses utilized both historical and new whole-rock geochemical data. Weathering indices indicated their applicability for provenance studies and tectonic setting analyses. Metasediments are classified by their silica content: high-SiO2 (>63 wt%) metasediments resemble litharenites, implying higher maturity and felsic origins akin to the upper continental crust reference; low-SiO2 (<63 wt%) metasediments align with graywackes and shales, indicative of mafic to intermediate origins, similar to the post-Archean Australian shale, with TiO2–Ni suggesting sedimentary trends. Discriminant tectonic parameters associated these metasedimentary groups with a continental rift domain. Total alkali-silica classified the metavolcanics as subalkaline units. Geochemical ratios, such as La/Yb vs. Zr/Nb and La/Sm vs. Sm/Yb, crossing the spinel-lherzolite trend, were closest to the primitive mantle reference. The Th/Nb and Th/Zr ratios revealed asthenospheric mantle origins for the basaltic magma sources in Alutaguse. Tectonic settings derived from Y/15–La/10–Nb/8 and TiO2–10(MnO)–10(P2O5) ratios suggested a predominant oceanic arc affinity. It is proposed here that the Alutaguse structural zone developed as the back-arc of the Tallinn–Uusimaa belt(s), following the accretion of the Bergslagen microcontinent at 1.9–1.87 Ga, concluding with the closure of the paleo-Svecofennian ocean.
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