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akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
TRAMES cover
TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN 1736-7514 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-0922 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.2
PDF | DOI: 10.3176/tr.2016.4.01

Jüri Allik, Erki Tammiksaar

In order to commemorate Kraepelin’s 160th birthdate and the 130th year from his first professorship, a conference “Emil Kraepelin 160/130” was held in the same Aula of the University of Tartu where 130 years earlier Kraepelin expressed his views about the relationship between psychiatric illnesses and brain functions. This special issue is composed of talks that were held at the conference. However, papers presented in this special issue are in most cases much more elaborated versions of the presented talks. In this introductory article, we remember some basic facts about Emil Kraepelin’s life and the impact he made in various areas, not only in psychiatry. We also try to create a context into which papers presented in this special issue of Trames can be placed.


Becker, K., H. Steinberg, and M. Kluge (2016) “Emil Kraepelin's concepts of the phenomenology and physiology of sleep: the first systematic description of chronotypes”. Sleep Medicine 27, 9–19.

Blocher, H. (1920) Gustav von Bunge. Eine Gedächtnisrede, gehalten in der am 28. November 1920 vom Basler Abstinentenverband veranstalteten Gedenkfeier. Lausanne: Alkoholgegnerverlag 1920.

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Decker, H. S. (2004) “The psychiatric works of Emil Kraepelin: a many-faceted story of modern medicine”. Journal of the history of the neurosciences 13, 3, 248–276. doi:­10.1080/09647040490510470

Dorneth, J. von (1887) Die Russifizierung der Ostseeprovinzen. Leipzig: Verlag von Duncker & Humblot.

Drechsler, W. and R. Kattel (2000) “Karl Bücher in Dorpat”. In J. G. Backhaus, ed. Karl Bücher: theory – history – anthropology – non-market economies, 11−72. Marburg: Metropolis.

Engstrom, E. J., W. Burgmair, and M. M. Weber (2002) “Emil Kraepelin’s ‘Self-Assessment’: clinical autography in historical context”. History of Psychiatry 13, 49, 089–098. doi:­10.1177/0957154x0201304905

Engstrom, E. J. and K. S. Kendler (2015) “Emil Kraepelin: icon and reality”. The American journal of psychiatry 172, 12, 1190–1196. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.15050665

Eysenck, H. J. and C. D. Frith (1977) “Kraepelin and the Age of Innocence”. In H. J. Eysenck and C. D. Frith, eds. Reminiscence, motivation, and personality: a case study in experimental psychology, 30–35. New York: Plenum Press.

Graeter, E. (1952) Gustav von Bunge. Naturforscher und Menschenfreund. Basel: Schweizerischer Verein abstinenter Lehrer und Lehrerinnen.

Healy, D., Harris, M., Farquhar, F., Tschinkel, S. and J. Le Noury (2008) “Historical overview: Kraepelin’s impact on psychiatry”. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 258, 18–24. doi:10.1007/s00406-008-2008-4

Hippius, H. and N. Mueller (2008) “The work of Emil Kraepelin and his research group in München”. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 258, 3–11. doi: 10.1007/s00406-008-2001-6

Hoff, P. (1994) Emil Kraepelin und die Psychitarie als klinische Wissenschaft. Berlin: Springer.

Jablensky, A., H. Hugler, M. Voncranach, and K. Kalinov (1993) “Kraepelin revisited: a reassess­ment and statistical-analysis of dementia-praecox and manic-depressive insanity in 1908”. Psychological Medicine 23, 4, 843–858.

Jilek, W. G. (1995) “Kraepelin, Emil and comparative sociocultural psychiatry”. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 245, 4–5, 231–238. doi:10.1007/bf02191802

Kalling, K. and E.Tammiksaar (2015) “Võõrana omade hulgas: Gustav Piers von Bunge ja baltisaksa karskustöö”. [Gustav Piers von Bunge and anti alchohol activity among the Baltic Germans.] Eesti Arst 94, 8, 484–489.

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Kraepelin, E. (1899) “Neuere Untersuchungen über die psychischen Wirkungen des Alkohols”. Internationale Monatsschrift zur Bekämpfung der Trinksitten 9, 321–332. (Münchener Medici­nische Wochenschrift 46, 1365–1369.)

Kraepelin, E. (1904) “Psychiatrisches aus Java”. Centralblatt für Nervenheilkunde und Psychiatrie 15, 27, 433–437.

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Kraepelin, E. (2002) “Self-Assessment”. History of Psychiatry 13, 49, 98–119. doi:10.1177/ 0957154x0201304906

Kraepelin, E., W. Burgmair, E. J. Engstrom, A. Hirschmüller, and M. M. Weber (2003) Kraepelin in Dorpat 1886–1891. München: Belleville.

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Machleidt, W. and M. Sieberer (2013) “From Kraepelin to a modern and integrative scientific discipline: the development of transcultural psychiatry in Germany”. Transcultural Psychiatry 50, 6, 817–840. doi:10.1177/1363461513508597

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Müller, U., P. C. Fletcher, and H. Steinberg (2006) “The origin of pharmacopsychology: Emil Kraepelin’s experiments in Leipzig, Dorpat and Heidelberg (1882–1892)”. Psycho­pharmacology 184, 2, 131–138. doi:10.1007/s00213-005-0239-5

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