eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
TRAMES cover
TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN 1736-7514 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-0922 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.2
PDF | DOI: 10.3176/tr.2010.2.01

Jean-Claude Beetschen, Pierre Baudrier
Submitted in Jena (1808), Tredern’s thesis on the chick embryo was admired by Karl Ernst von Baer a few years later. Baer then tried to find traces of Tredern during the 19th century and found a few testimonies about him. Nevertheless, it was impossible to get precise information about Tredern’s life after he had submitted his second medical thesis in Paris (1811). A settlement in Guadeloupe Island had been indicated (von Baer 1874, Beetschen 1995). We found documents providing new details on Tredern’s life events between 1802 and 1818. Tredern had passed himself off as a Russian from Estonia for several years. But he had given up his embryological studies after 1809 and was appointed assistant librarian at the Mazarin Library (Bibliothèque Mazarine) in Paris (1813-1816), being also chosen (1813) as one of the sworn expert doctors attached to the Imperial Court of Justice. In January 1817, he actually left Paris for Guadeloupe Island where he died from yellow fever at the age of 38, in November 1818.

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Baer, Karl Ernst von (1836b) “Wegen des Grafen von Tredern. Zweite Aufforderung”. Das Inland (Dorpat) 23, 391–392.

Baer, Karl Ernst von (1867) “Anfragen 1”. Literarisches Centralblatt für Deutschland (Leipzig) 26, 726.

Baer, Karl Ernst von (1873) “Letter to Armand de Quatrefages, 8–12 June 1873”. In Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Archives, no 2258.

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Roche, Denis (1909) “Perečen russkix i polskix xudožnikov, imena kotorix znacatsija v spiskax parižskoj Akademij živopisy i skulptury”. [List of Russians and Poles whose names were registered in the Parisian Academy of Painting and Sculpture.] Starye Gody, June 1909, 306-31. [Title in Russian, text in Russian and French.]

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