eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
TRAMES cover
TRAMES. A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN 1736-7514 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-0922 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.2

Heri Wijayanto, Edy Kurniawan, Bambang Harmanto

Interpretation of the meanings and symbols used in the Reyog Ponorogo equip­ment has several different meanings and differences of views in the society, players, community leaders and warok. The point of view, importance and approaches used in the interpretation and meaning are the reasons for the differences. Differences of interpretation on the Reyog Ponorogo equipment due to various interests can lead to eroded cultural values and threaten national integrity. The indications that lead to the erosion and erosion of values and meanings have begun to be felt by the society, for example, the writing of REYOG in Barongan is changed to REOG for the sake of development, the use of Jathil woman in the stage is considered far from the original meaning of the role of Jathil and the claim of ownership of Reyog art by other countries is a clear proof that there is a threat to national integrity. The difference between meaning and interpretation is the basis of this research to explore the philosophy of the Reyog Ponorogo art equipment. The specific target in this research is the compilation of a philosophy book of the Reyog Ponorogo art equipment. The technique of data analysis is descriptive qualitative through processes, induc­tion-interpretation-conceptualization, field data will be analysed by refining rough empirical material into field report, simplification of data to achieve detailed informa­tion but already focused in original expression respondents (indigenous concept) as the appearance of its emic perspective, so that what the mind has hidden behind the story of the respondent (interpretation), and finally a concept, can be found. The concept of the purposes and meaning of the Reyog set from various perspectives has finally been summed up to be a philosophy of the Reyog Ponorogo art equipment.


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