Article Publication Charges
Estonian Academy Publishers (EAP) aims towards the widest possible distribution and availability of its publications. As part of this policy, full-text electronic versions of all articles published in its scholarly journals have been made freely accessible to anyone online: to read, download, share and re-use in any form for non-commercial purposes.
To ensure the sustainability of this policy, the authors with regard to most of the journals published by EAP are asked to contribute to the publication and the widest possible dissemination of their research outcomes through payment of author fees. These standard fees vary by journal title and are designed to cover about half of the actual publication cost for an article of average length. No handling fee is applied to manuscripts that are eventually rejected by the publisher.
The article publication fee will be charged for manuscripts that are submitted from 1 April 2016 onward. The fee will be waived by the Estonian Academy of Sciences to authors whose articles are based on studies supported by Estonian funding bodies (provided the specifics are explicitly declared by the author in the Acknowledgements) or who address priority topics in Estonian and Finno-Ugric cultures. Requestsfor waivers of publication and/or excess page fees should be presented in the cover letter. Herewith, information about support received from the Estonian Academy of Sciences will appear in the caption of an article.
Readers in general benefit most from research publications that are thorough, yet concisely presented. As handling, editorial and production costs are directly correlated with article length, EAP journals strongly prefer manuscripts of reasonable length. Longer papers are welcome provided the authors are willing to cover the excess costs. Excess page fees are additional to the standard journal fee and are scaled according to the typical article length within the scope of each journal title.
Authors are invited to pay the standard journal fee and the excess page fee after acceptance. Banking data will be sent to authors together with an acceptance note. Payment should be normally made in Euro to the bank account of the Estonian Academy Publishers. Prompt payment is advised, as the article will not be sent to the production cycle until payment is received.
It may occasionally happen that an author of an accepted high-quality paper is short in funds. In all such instances, the editor-in-chief of the corresponding journal may apply to the Estonian Academy of Sciences for additional support. Requests for waivers of excess page fees are not considered in that case.
All fees are subject to VAT. If the author/institution is VAT registered in any of the EU countries, by providing their VAT registration number a tax invoice can be accommodated under the reverse charge.
Colour images
Authors are asked to cover the full cost for colour photographs, drawings or figures. Each page with a colour image costs €35 in print, but is free of charge online.
Description | EUR |
Standard article fee (max. 20 printed pages) | 250 |
Excess page fee (printed page) | 40 |
Colour images (printed page) | 35 |