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The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society cover
The Yearbook of the Estonian Mother Tongue Society
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
Alternatiivseid etümoloogiaid V. peru, vaibuma, velbas, videvik, vistar ja vänge; pp. 259–276

Lembit Vaba

Alternative etymologies V

The article presents new or clarified etymological interpretations of the words peru ‘easily startled, skittish, given to bolting (of a horse)’, vaibumato grow weaker, fade away, die’, velbas ‘sly, crafty (person)’, videvik ‘twilight’, vistar ‘pimple, pustule’ and vänge ‘disgusting, foul (taste)’.
Julius Mägiste speculated that Estonian peru : peru ‘easily startled, skittish, given to bolting’ (of a horse); unruly, boisterous, recalcitrant (of a person=’, Votic pero ‘recalcitrant, cunning (of a horse)’, Ingrian pero(i) id. is a derivation with the diminutive suffix *-oi̯ from the noun *perä ‘rear, back part’, which has presumably been abstractified into an adjective from the compound word *peroi̯-he̮poi̯, to “refer to a horse that jolts backward or bolts”. However, Mägiste’s explanation belongs to the category of folk etymology. Phonetically and semantically plausible source material for the word can be found in Baltic languages: Baltic *(s)perV-: Lithuanian per̃ti ‘hit, strike, whip; throw; shoot; thunder; whisk; go quickly, travel, ride’, Latvian sper̂t ‘kick, stamp (of a horse), throw, cast, push; crash (of lightning)’; Indo-European archetype: *sp(h)er- ‘tear, hit, flounder, throw’. The loan stem has conformed to nominals with the *-oi suffix.
The Finnic verb stem vaipu- (Estonian vaibuma, dialectal võibuma, voibuma ‘grow weak, lose strength, fade, fall tiredly (wind, rain, pain); to become very tired, worn out; acquire a bad taste from standing around’, Salaca Livonian vaibt ‘torment, trouble, worry’, Votic vaipu ‘fell asleep, went quiet’, Finnish vaipua ‘sink, fall, break down; fall asleep; die; dialectally, to become numb’, Ingrian vaibu-
be quiet, calm down’, Karelian vaipuo and others ‘grow tired, weaken, die; recede (water level); end, run out’, Ludic baibuda ‘grow tired’, Vepsian vaibuda ‘grow tired, weaken’) is with some hesitation considered a reflexive derivation with the suffix -bu from the stem *vajV- (Estonian vajuma, Finnish vajota ‘to fall/sink down’ and others, Finnic vajaa ‘incomplete, lacking’). vajuma-, as well as the vaev ‘trouble, distress’ family, has substantially influenced the semantics of the verb vaibuma, but this interpretation does not explain how vaibuma has also acquired the meanings of ‘grow sick, feeble’ and ‘die’. Analogy to neighboring languages does not support this kind of semantic evolution. It is plausible that Finnic *vai̯pu- is of Baltic origin: Baltic *gvaib- (or *gveib-): Lithuanian gvaĩbti, gveibti ‘grow weak, powerless, weary, lose consciousness, faint’, geĩbti ‘grow weak, powerless, end, die’; Indo-European arhetüüp: *geibh- ‘bend, crook, warp / German biegen’.
The narrowly distributed Estonian adjective velbas : velpa ‘sly, crafty (person)’ does not have plausible etymological equivalents in other Finnic languages. Julius Mägiste regards velbas either as a descriptive word or as related to Finnish vilppi ‘fraud, deception; dishonest ploy’, which corresponds to Karelian vilppi (same meaning as in Finnish) and Votic vilppi ‘mistake, error’. In Finnish etymological dictionaries, the Estonian word has either been ignored or the relationship has not been considered believable; the correspondence between the first-syllable i in Finnish/Karelian/Votic and e in Estonian is indeed unexpected. Phonetically and semantically plausible source material is found in the form of Lithuanian gvel̃bti ‘seize, steal, pilfer’, gvelbė́jas ‘thief, swindler’, gvelbìkas (same meaning). Whether this initially quite restricted Estonian dialect word is a Baltic loan requires further study.
The Estonian word family headlined by the word videvik ‘twilight’ (EKSS 6: 308–309) does not have any known equivalents outside of the Estonian language area. Julius Mägiste regards the etymology of this word family as unclear (EEW 12: 3805–3806). I propose a Baltic etymology: Baltic *svidō: Lithuanian svidà ‘brilliance, shine’, svidė́ti ‘shine, glisten, glimmer’, svidùs ‘shining, glistening, glimmering’, lt svîst ‘dawn, become light’, aizsvīst ‘to begin to grow dark’; Indo-European archetype: *su̯id- ~ *su̯īd- ‘shine, glow’.
The Estonian word family has the opposite meaning of its loan base. In the space of words denoting light and darkness, the polarization of semantics and the bipolarity of vocabulary marking the boundary of lightness and darkness is quite typical.
Estonian vistar ~ vister denotes ‘a pus inflammation caused by the clogging of fat glands’ or more colloquially ‘pimple, zit, pustule’. The word has an etymological equivalent only in Courland Livonian: vis̆tàr ‘pimple, whitehead’. The possible Baltic origin of these Estonian and Livonian words has been postulated, with some doubts, by Julius Mägiste, without specifying the loan base (EEW 12: 3892–3893). I surmise that the possible loan base is Baltic *instir-: Lithuanian instiras ‘subcutaneous maggot, grub’, inkstaras, inkstìras, inkšti̇̀ras, iñkštiras ‘pimple, zit, pustule; grub, maggot, warble in a cow’s skin; trichina (Trichinella spiralis)’. In Estonian and Livonian, the stem-internal -n- in the loan base has disappeared from the consonant cluster -nst-. The word-initial v- has presumably developed on the example of words with similar phonemic structure and semantics, such as Estonian dialect vism(avesi), visa(vesi) ‘discharge from a blister or wound’, cf. Votic vizvata ‘to rot (of a wound)’, Finnish visva ‘tissue fluid, pus’, Ingrian visvata ‘to discharge pus’, Kaerlian visva and others ‘liquid from a wound, pus’. vistar and vister have conformed to the patterns of ar- and er-final nominals respectively.
Livonian vis̆tàr may be a borrowing from Estonian. Semantically, the word partially overlaps with Courland Livonian ài̯star, å̀i̯star ‘pimple, zit (on face), warble in a cow’s skin’. Vilhelm Thomsen and Jalo Kalima have, with some reservations, drawn a parallel between this word and the Baltic equivalents, Latvian anksteri and Lithuanian ánkštaras, ánkštiras ‘heatspot, pimple; gadfly larva, grub, maggot’. The preservation of the dental nasal in the ank- cluster in the Latvian word indicates Courland origin and therefore this cannot be the loan base of the Livonian word. Typical in the Baltic languages is the widespread alternation of sonorants with vowels, in both stems and suffixes, which can be seen in e.g. be-ñ-gti ~ be-ĩ-gti ‘finish’, tva-ñ-kas ~ tva-ĩ-kas ‘sultry weather’; thus, it can be conjectured that the loan base could have been *aikstVr-. As there is no evidence of a parallel variant with a vowel, the more plausible suggestion is that Livonian ài̯star is a contamination of the Baltic loan base with the (Estonian-origin) word vis̆tàr.
Estonian vänge ‘disagreeable, disgusting (taste), irritating (smell or taste), sharp, strong; obscene, bawdy’ and related words, the equivalents of which are Livonian väŋ̄g ‘repulsive (taste); kvass-like drink’ and Votic väŋkävä ‘disagreeable, disgusting (e.g. pork)’, väŋkilä ‘disagreeable, disgusting, revolting (food)’, is a potential Baltic loan: Baltic *vang- ~ *veng-: Lithuanian vangùs ‘lazy, languid, sluggish, incapable, awkward; fearsome, terrible; indomitable, tenacious; tasteless, stale (beer)’, vengùs ‘lazy, languid’, véngti ‘avoid, keep/stay away from (something unpleasant), evade, prevaricate’, pavañgti ‘avoid, fear’; Indo-European archetype *u̯eng-. The semantic development may have proceeded as follows: ‘*unpleasant (desirable to avoid)’ → ‘unpleasant taste, smell’.


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ERA = Eesti regilaulude andmebaas.

KKS = Karjalan kielen sanakirja.

KM = Kõnekäändude ja fraseologismide andmebaas.

LKŽ = Lietuvių kalbos žodyno (t. 1–20, 1941–2002) elektroninio varianto I leidimas 2005.

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