Number 4 2003
- Liina Lindström, Karl Pajusalu, Corpus of Estonian Dialects and the Estonian Vowel System
- Abstract. This article consists of two parts: an introduction to the principles and the current state of the corpus of Estonian dialects, and a presentation of the main characteristics of the vowel systems of Estonian dialects based on statistical analysis of the data in the dialect corpus. First, the starting points and problems that had to be taken into consideration when compiling the corpus are introduced, and the development of the project up to now reviewed. Thereafter, the state of the dialect corpus as it stands in October 2003 will be described together with the principles of tagging and a frequency study of the dialect vocabulary carried out on the basis of the corpus. The characterization of the vowel systems of Estonian dialects will be presented according to the general distribution of the distinctive features.
- Michail Atamanov, Marja Kartano, O nekotorych kljutševych ponjatijach Biblii v udmurtskom literaturnom jazyke
- Michail A t a m a n o v, Marja K a r t a n o, Some Key Biblical Terms in Udmurt Language
- Abstract. In the past ten years the most important event has taken place in the spriritual life of Finno-Ugric peoples in Russia Ñ the translation of the books of the Holy Scriptures into their mother tongues and dialects. The translator faces with a very important task: an adequate translation must meet the criteria of accuracy, clarity, naturalness and arouse the same kind of reaction in the reader than the original text. The article deals with the development of a few important key Biblical terms in Udmurt language.
- N. G. Kuznecova, E. V. Usenkova, Sredstva vyraženija modal'nych znatšenij v nganasanskom jazyke
- N. G. K u z n e c o v a, E. V. U s e n k o v a, Means of Expressing of Modality in Nganasan
- Abstract. The article gains an insight into the problem of modality as a complex phenomenon embracing five separate heterogeneous modal zones and their morphological, lexical and syntactical means of expression. The morphological level is presented with a number of moods which were analysed from the paradigmatic and syntagmatic view point. The category of mood in Nganasan is based on the opposition the indicative mood versus the moods of the non-indicative sphere: imperative, conjunctive, interrogative, renarrative, inferential, acceptive and others. The study of semantics of each mood revealed interlacement of various modal meanings with one another. The lexical means of expression of modality include modal verbs, modal words, modal particles and interjections. Among syntactical means special syntactical constructions, nominative sentences, inverted word order and direct address occurred. It was found that lexical and syntactical means can express different types of modality. The article also discusses to the possibilities of combining the above-considered means of expressing of modality.
- Petro Lizanec, 40 let vengerskomu otdeleniju Užgorodskogo natsional'nogo universiteta
- Zusammenfassung. 40 Jahre Lehrstuhl für ungarische Sprache an der Universität Uzhgorod.
- Péter Simoncsics, Erik Vászolyi's 70 Years or What Can a Fenno-Ugrist Do for the Australians?
- The Other Languages of Europe. Demographic, Sociolinguistic and Educational Perspectives, Clevedon—Buffalo—Toronto—Sydney 2001. Rev. by Suliko Liiv
- Külli H a b i c h t, Eesti vanema kirjakeele leksikaalsest ja morfosüntaktilisest arengust ning Heinrich Stahli keele eripärast selle taustal, Tartu 2001 (Dissertationes philologiae estonicae Universitatis Tartuensis 10). Rez. von Paul Alvre
- Eberhard W i n k l e r, Udmurt, München 2001 (Languages of the World. Materials 212). Rev. by Vladimir Napol'skich
- V. V. N a p o l' s k i c h, Udmurtskie materialy D. G. Messeršmidta, Iževsk, "Udmurtija", 2001. Rets. Sergej Maksimov
- L. G. P o n o m a r e v a, Fonetika i morfologija mysovsko-lup'inskogo dialekta komi-permjatskogo jazyka. Dissertatsija na soiskanie utšenoj stepeni kandidata filologitšeskich nauk, Iževsk 2002. Rets. A. N. Rakin
- A. F. Š u t o v, Puti razvitija gipotaktitšeskich otnošenij v udmurtskom jazyke. Dissertatsija na soiskanie utšenoj stepeni doktora filologitšeskich nauk, Iževsk 2002. Rets. Anatolij Kuklin
Auf der Titelseite: Der heilige See Seidjaur der Saamen auf der Kola-Halbinsel (Foto Kadri Viires, 2003)