English. Summaries in Estonian
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
Volume 55 No. 1
March 2006
Computerized database and software for
retrieval, processing, and prognosis of rate and equilibrium constants of chemical
reactions; 3–13
Viktor Palm, Natalia Palm, and Tiina Tenno
Abstract. A computerized database on rate and equilibrium constants of chemical reactions was created. Two versions of the database, one limited to the pKa data, which employs the graphical display of the structures, and the other that enables systematic withdrawal of data selected by several conditions over all 14 main reaction types, are represented. The algorithm for statistical treatment of large sets of data to create and check mathematical models for their chemical interpretation was modified and refined. The software has been used for the treatment of large sets of data on solvent and subtituent effects and can be employed for the prognosis of new data not yet studied experimentally.
Key words: coding of chemical reactions, coding of chemical structures, computerized database, rate constants, equilibrium constants, multilinear mathematical models, correlation equations, non-orthogonality.
Arvutistatud andmebaas ja tarkvara keemiliste reaktsioonide
kiirus- ja tasakaalukonstantide otsimiseks, töötluseks ja prognoosimiseks
On loodud keemiliste reaktsioonide kiirus- ja tasakaalukonstantide arvutistatud andmebaas. Väljatöötatud tarkvara võimaldab leida andmeid ligi 500 000 reaktsioonide kiirus- ja tasakaalukonstanti sisaldavast andmebaasist. Andmete modifitseeritud statistilise töötlusega on võimalik prognoosida andmebaasis puuduvaid kiirus- ja tasakaalukonstante.
of different schemes for anaerobic treatment of food industry wastes in Estonia;
Viktoria Blonskaja and Tarmo Vaalu
Abstract. During the last 5 years, four types of wastewaters from the food industry (yeast, cheese whey, distillery, vegetable oil) with different technological schemes of anaerobic mesophilic digestion (one or two stages) and different types of reactors (contact process, anaerobic filter, fixed bed filter with plastic media, UASB reactor, and SBR) were investigated. On the basis of the results, the main technological schemes in Estonia and the main types of reactors with main parameters for local treatment of the investigated industrial wastewater were recommended.
Key words: anaerobic, cheese whey, distillery, food industry, vegetable oil, UASB, yeast.
toiduainetööstuse reovee käitluse uuringud erinevate anaeroobsete
TTÜ Keskkonnatehnika Instituudis on viimase viie aasta jooksul uuritud pärmi-, juustu-, piirituse- ja taimeõlitööstuse reovee anaeroobset mesofiilset degradatsiooniprotsessi temperatuurirežiimil. On uuritud nii ühe- kui ka kaheastmelist tehnoloogilist skeemi erinevate reaktoritüüpidega (kontaktprotsess, anaeroobne filter, kandekihiga täidisreaktor, UASB-tehnoloogia, SBR). Erinevat tüüpi reovete käitluseks on esitatud optimaalsed tehnoloogilised parameetrid.
of using ozone for the treatment of wastewater from the yeast industry;
Viktoria Blonskaja, Inna Kamenev, and Sergei Zub
Abstract. The purpose of the study was to establish if ozonation can be used to enhance the process of purifying wastewater from the yeast industry. The results of the experiments indicate that ozonation can be used in the tertiary treatment of yeast wastewater for the reduction of colour, odour, and the overall concentration of contaminants. During ozonation, the biodegradability of the wastewater increased; therefore it is possible to include ozonation into the combined purification process simultaneously with anaerobic and aerobic bio-oxidation. In addition, the application of ozonation as a pre-treatment method for anaerobic digestion of excess sludge from wastewater treatment plants was studied. Ozonation of the excess sludge resulted in a reduction of the sludge amount and increased the solubility of sludge organic matter. Although the solubility of sludge increased, the process of anaerobic mesophilic digestion was not improved.
Key words: ozonation, yeast wastewater, excess sludge, anaerobic digestion.
Osooni kasutamise
võimalustest pärmitööstuse reovee töötlemisel
Töö eesmärgiks on hinnata osoonimise rakendamise võimalikkust pärmitööstuse reovee puhastusprotsessi parandamiseks.
Katsetest on selgunud, et osoonimist on võimalik kasutada bioloogiliselt puhastatud reovee süvapuhastuses värvuse ning lõhna kõrvaldamiseks ja reoainete kontsentratsiooni vähendamiseks. Kuna osoonimisel suureneb reovee biolagundatavus, on otstarbekas kasutada osoonimist reovee puhastamisel kombineeritult koos anaeroobse ja aeroobse biooksüdatsiooniga.
Samuti on uuritud reovee puhastusprotsessis tekkinud jääkmuda osoonimist enne selle anaeroobset kääritamist. Jääkmuda eeltöötlemine osooniga vähendab muda hulka ja suurendab selle orgaanilise aine lahustuvust. Muda lahustuvus küll suureneb, kuid sellele järgneva muda mesofiilse kääritamise protsessi efektiivsus ei parane.
and quantification of hybrid carrageenans from the biomass of the red algae Furcellaria
lumbricalis and Coccotylus truncatus; 40–53
Rando Tuvikene, Kalle Truus, Merike Vaher, Tiiu Kailas,
Georg Martin, and Priit Kersen
Abstract. The main isolation procedures (extraction, alkali modification, and precipitation) of hybrid carrageenan blend from seaweeds of the Kassari algal stratum (the Baltic Sea, Estonia) were quantitatively investigated. In the case of all extracting agents (water, KOH and NaOH solutions) used, a sharp rise occurred in the extracting rate during the first 2 h. Pure water was the most efficient extracting medium for carrageenans from the biomass of Furcellaria lumbricalis–Coccotylus truncatus with regard to yield but certainly not gelling properties (gel strength) of polysaccharides extracted. Long-time alkali extraction causes great losses due to degradation of carrageenans; however, alkali treatment is an obligatory step for the isolation of high-quality gelling galactans from the Kassari algal stratum, resulting in a more than 3-fold increase in gel strength. In the case of a typical algal blend from this stratum (69% F. lumbricalis and 10% C. truncatus), the most effective medium for the isolation of carrageenan mixture is 0.05 M KOH solution and the preferred duration of extraction is 3–4 h.
Key words: carrageenan, furcellaran, Furcellaria lumbricalis, Coccotylus truncatus, sulphated polysaccharide, gelling galactan, alkali treatment.
karraginaanide ekstraheerimine ja kvantifitseerimine punavetikate Furcellaria lumbricalis ja Coccotylus truncatus koosluse biomassist
Kvantitatiivselt on uuritud Kassari vetikaplasti punavetikates sisalduvate hübriidsete karraginaanide peamisi eraldamisprotsesse (ekstraktsioon, leelistöötlus ja sadestamine). Kõigi kasutatud ekstrahentide (vesi, KOH ja NaOH vesilahused) puhul esines saagise kiire tõus ekstraktsiooni algetapil (esimese 2 tunni jooksul). Vesi on saagise (kuid mitte geelitugevuse) seisukohast kõige efektiivsem ekstraktsioonikeskkond karraginaanide eraldamiseks punavetikate Furcellaria lumbricalis ja Coccotylus truncatus koosluse biomassist. Kauakestva leelisekstraktsiooniga kaasnevad karraginaanide lagunemise tõttu suured kaod; kõrgekvaliteetsete geelistuvate galaktaanide saamisel on aga oluline leelistöötluse rakendamine, mille tulemusel suureneb nende geelitugevus enam kui kolm korda. Uuritud Kassari plasti punavetikasegust (69% F. lumbricalis’t ja 10% C. truncatus’t) on geelitugevuse ja saagise seisukohast karraginaane kõige otstarbekam ekstraheerida keetmisel 3–4 tundi 0,05 M KOH vesilahuses.
to authors; 54–56