Developing Child’s Thinking Skills by Semantic Mapping Strategies
Raiziene, Bronislava Grigaite
Vytautas Magnus University
Abstract. Semantic mapping may be defined as a strategy in
which information is categorically structured in a graphic/visual form.
According to Lim et al. (2003) semantic mapping/webbing can be used for
promoting teachers’ and school principals’ reflective
and critical thinking skills. The present paper examines cognitive outcomes, stimulated by the teachers’ use of semantic
mapping as a strategy for accelerating two cognitive operations,
classification and seriation, in a child’s seventh year. Fifty-seven children
at the age of six took part in the research. The members of the experimental
group participated in the training that lasted for four months. During the
training thought operations of classification and seriation were stimulated by
a semantic mapping method. The changes in classification
and seriation capabilities were assessed in
experimental and control groups using tasks presented by Piaget and Inhelder.
Keywords: semantic mapping training, cognitive development,
classification, seriation