Department of Mining, Tallinn University of Technology, 5 Ehitajate Rd., 19086 Tallinn, Estonia
Estonian oil shale
reserves have been estimated proceeding from the requirements of power plants.
Today, when the possibility of selling shale oil in larger amounts is becoming
a reality, the oil shale reserve has to be evaluated according to the criteria
of oil production. The solid-energy-carrier method of processing as a
relatively new way of oil generation has economical advantages and has
therefore to be considered at calculating cut-off grade for mining. The basis
for using this approach has been worked out by GIS modelling. Preliminary
calculations showed that the cut-off grade of oil shale could be lower than
today’s 35 GJ/m2.. This
could increase the mineable resource of Estonian oil shale.
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11. Valgma, I. Geographical Information System for Oil Shale Mining – MGIS.
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12. Valgma, I. Using MapInfo Vertical Mapper Interpolation Techniques for Estonian
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