eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology
New records of the amphipods Chelicorophium curvispinum, Gammarus tigrinus, G. duebeni, and G. lacustris in the Estonian coastal sea; pp. 290–296

Kristjan Herkül, Jonne Kotta

North-American Gammarus tigrinus and Ponto-Caspian Chelicorophium curvispinum are the most recently arrived exotic species in the benthic fauna of the Estonian coastal sea. Gammarus tigrinus was found for the first time in Kõiguste Bay, northern Gulf of Riga, in 2003. The range expansion of G. tigrinus was extremely rapid and by 2005 the species was found all over the northern Gulf of Riga. Chelicorophium curvispinum was found for the first time near Sillamäe, eastern Gulf of Finland, in 2005. The nearest established populations of these species are located in the Curonian Lagoon, Lithuania. In connection with the range expansion survey of G. tigrinus the rare gammarids of the Estonian coastal sea G. duebeni and G. lacustris were found in marginal coastal habitats, e.g. isolated bays and small coastal pools of the northern Gulf of Riga in 2005.


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