eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology
Meiobenthos of some Estonian coastal lakes; pp. 179–195

Tarmo Timm, Margit Kumari, Kaidi Kübar, Kadri Sohar, Walter Traunspurger

Corer samples of zoobenthos were collected in 20 coastal water bodies of western Estonia including 2 inner parts of bays of the Baltic Sea, 5 lagoons weakly connected with the sea, and 13 freshwater lakes in August 2004. Reigi laht, an open bay, was the only site where brackish-water taxa dominated; in the same bay, eumeiobenthic small Nematoda were very abundant. At all other sites, the bulk of meiobenthos was formed of small, pseudomeiobenthic individuals of Chironomidae and Oligochaeta, while eumeiobenthos, consisting here mainly of Nematoda and Ostracoda, was outnumbered by the former. The near-bottom planktic Cladocera and Copepoda were also common. Freshwater taxa dominated in all lagoons and lakes, with scarce brackish-water species accompanying them in the lagoons as well as in some lakes. The abundance and biomass of pseudo- and eumeiobenthos, as well as of planktic crustaceans, were higher in the lagoons than in the fresh­water lakes.


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