eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1984
Oil Shale cover
Oil Shale
ISSN 1736-7492 (Electronic)
ISSN 0208-189X (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 1.9
Research article
Co-pyrolysis of biomass woodchips with Ca-rich oil shale fuel in a continuous feed reactor; pp. 208–235

Alejandro Lyons Ceron, Tõnu Pihu, Alar Konist

A co-pyrolysis of woodchips and oil shale was conducted in a continuous reactor at 520 °C in a CO2 atmosphere. Experimental product yields were derived and an analysis of the liquid products was conducted, using gas chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, and physicochemical analysis. A maximum yield of liquids and gases was obtained as the share of biomass increased (43.9 and 35.1 wt%, respectively). Product characterization confirmed additive behavior in co-pyrolysis. The liquid products from co-pyrolysis blends exhibited fewer oxygenated compounds, derived from biomass, and fewer aromatic compounds, derived from oil shale. Co-pyrolysis liquids contained abundant aliphatic hydrocarbons (C6 to C11).


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