Coastal processes in the Eastern Gulf of Finland – possible driving forces and the connection with nearshore development; pp. 151–167
doi: 10.3176/eng.2009.3.01Authors
Daria Ryabchuk, Leontina Sukhacheva, Mikhail Spiridonov, Vladimir Zhamoida, Dmitry Kurennoy
The coastal zone of the Eastern Gulf of Finland is actively changed under the influence of complicated natural and anthropogenic factors. The easternmost part of the gulf, a valuable area for recreation, is characterized by very intense coastal processes and is dominated by erosion. Analysis of historical materials, archive aerial photographs and modern high-resolution satellite images together with on-land investigations have shown that the majority of the coast of the easternmost part of the gulf is being eroded and is retreating. A study in the nearshore (side-scan sonar profiling, accompanied by echo-sounding and sediment sampling) enabled the main geological reasons for the coastal erosion to be established.
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